Fraudminister!!! CCP Rats have Infected Canada! Fraud Elections!!!

Justin Trudeau campaigning with Han Dong

So the CSIS whistleblower says that EVERY party in Canada since Brian Mulroney is compromised by CCP RATS?!?!?!?! Time to expose ALL of the RATS and jail or remove them from Canada. (after a fair trial of course). Nuremberg2 for all associated with destroying Canada. Letting communists rats infect every level of Canadian government business, industry. You can’t even buy a corner store in China but Canada lets the Chinese government or associated companies buy THOUSANDS OF ACRES of farmland, critical infrastructure, ie. ports, and let them STEAL all of our technology to take back to communist rats. Life in prison minimum for EVERYONE INVOLVED. Make Canada GREAT AGAIN, EXPOSE COMMUNIST RATS IN ALL PARTIES!!!

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